Tuesday, April 15, 2008

15 Ways to Lose A Tooth

By Miss S & GoMama

(in no particular order)
  1. Pull it really hard with your fingers
  2. Push it from behind with your tongue
  3. Wrap it in dental floss and pull
  4. Wrap it up with string, then tie it to the doorknob, then slam the door as hard as you can
  5. Bite into cold, hard apples
  6. Yank on it
  7. Yank on it with pliers
  8. Get punched in the mouth/tooth
  9. Tie a string from the tooth to Daddy's skateboard and tell Daddy to ride away!
  10. Chew on a bone, a steak, or a stick
  11. Wiggle it to death!
  12. Stick your foot in your mouth (after a bath) and kick your tooth
  13. Chew on really hard carrots
  14. Chew on a pencil
  15. Bang it with a hammer
Dang, it takes so long to lose a tooth!!!!!

Ok. What are your favorite tricks?


Carrie Wilson Link said...

Bite into an apple!

Just leave it there until it HANGS and grosses everyone out and they start to offer up bribes to have you pull it!

Jerri said...

You guys have 'em all. Patience is the only answer. Too bad it's so hard to come by.

Pictures? Can we have pictures when it happens? If not of Miss S (which I totally understand), then maybe just the hole? The tooth fairy herself?

Go Mama said...

Will do pix when it finally falls out. BTW, this will be her 3rd lost tooth, but it's a biggie. A front tooth!

Go Mama said...

#16 Bang it on the edge of the bathtub

BTW, although sticking precariously forward, it still hasn't come out yet.

Anonymous said...

eat steak , chewy steak

Anonymous said...

i push it with my tonge from behind works every time :)

Anonymous said...

all i did(this was and accident)i was holding on to my tooth during a car ride and whe raced over a speed bump and it came out quickly and painlessly

Anonymous said...

Just push it from the back with your finger and then when its loose enough start playing with it like wiggling!

Unknown said...

fold the paper

good luck

this has been talking with polsnap joneeees

Anonymous said...

Chew into a laffy taffy, starburst, or airhead when your tooth is really loose.

Anonymous said...

I have this tooth that needs to be pulled out and I'm afriad to pull it out!!!! What should I do?? HELP!!!!

Anonymous said...

im 12 and my tooth has been lose for a half hour and its ready to come out! but everytime i touch it with my tongue or anything it bleeds a lot! i hate the taste of blood what do i do?!?!?

Loretta John said...

I laughed out loud at #11! That has gotta be the most excruciating of them all because wiggling a tooth to death takes time, and that means more pain. Ouch! Of course, my Bartlett dentist wouldn't recommend any of those "tips", but there might come a case that will require me to pull my tooth myself (without harmful consequences), so I'm gonna bookmark this. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I am getting braces and the dentist has to pull a tooth out and I hate that so lemmi tell u a story when I was young my tooth was loose but wasn't very loose and I just was tieing my shoe and on accident banged my chin on my knee and there came out a tooth XD

Anonymous said...

the very best way is to put your tung on your tooth a push dont stop pushing just keep pushing and it will start getting loser and loser then bom its out wiggleing it can bruise your gum or make your tooth come in croked

Anonymous said...

Okay well i just lost a tooth and my brother has MANY nerf guns so i ties dental floss to my my tooth and the other end to a nerf bullet then i shot the gun and it popped out! it wasn't even loose!

Mackenzie said...

Hey I'm Mackenzie and in order to lose a tooth as to not get it pulled (for braces) I just ate saltwater Taffy and it worked like a cham!

Anonymous said...

Get dental floss. [If really loose] and put it around the tooth, then cross it over. Then pull it hard enough the root will pop open. There will be blood, but there will be no tooth left over. good luck:)

Grade 5C said...

my sister chued on a towl and her tooth fell out

Anonymous said...

to make sure it doesn't hurt,chew on a piece of ice with your loose tooth it will numb the tooth and then pull. :)

Anonymous said...

if half of ur tooth is hanging stick a towel beetween it and the gum

Anonymous said...

I heard of you just pull it a vain could come out of your mouth. Just heard it, dont nkow if it's true.

Anonymous said...

#17 bang it on the end of a glass cup it works well

Anonymous said...

if you can stick your finger in behind your tooth yank on it

Unknown said...

I use really chewy/sticky candy, like a balled-up Fruit Roll-up.

Anonymous said...

I was chewing on a tootsie roll and it wasn't even loose, but it just popped out! Cool right?

Anonymous said...

Use ice and then use a heavy thing (toaster etc.) then tie your tooth to it. It will work.

Anonymous said...

I think wiggling it until it is so loose you can push it out with your tongue is an easy trick

Anonymous said...

Just Be patient And Leave It It Takes Time

Unknown said...

bang it with a hammer :D

Anonymous said...

tooooooooo psinful

Anonymous said...

too painful-

Anonymous said...

i was eating starburst a few months ago and it worked

Anonymous said...

i bit into and icepop and then pulled it out with a napkin. it was quick and easy.

Anonymous said...

I need help quick! My tooth is hanging by like 2 roots but I'm too scared to pull it out I can't eat anything and it hurts A LOT when I do!!! I'm also on vacation so I have limited supplies...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I once lost a tooth when I was flossing... how ironic Bl

Unknown said...

well you can pay a fighter to punch you in the face lol

... idk hit your tooth with a hammer?...

Unknown said...

Pushing the teeth from behind with the tongue is something every child has done in it's life. - Denturist

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The floss worked for me!

Unknown said...

If the tooth is really loose then try twisting it.That always works for me.It rips the root and its painless……sometimes.

Unknown said...

If the tooth is really loose then try twisting it.That always works for me.It rips the root and its painless……sometimes.

Unknown said...

I was playing black ops with a jerk ( I'm a girl btw) and he shot me and I literally raged so much I threw my control and it bounced off the wall and hit my tooth and poof! It's out!

Anonymous said...

wait for it.

Anonymous said...

#16 Bang the tooth on a hard surface (like a table or a glass cup or something else that dosent bend)

Unknown said...

My tooth hurts and i cant seem to pulll it out since it hurts :(((((((((((((

AshtonB916 said...

I need to pull out my tooth and it's hurting sooo bad someone tell me how to get it out I've tried everything and they don't work! HELP!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Push ur tooth into ur gum then twist that should eventually fall out

Unknown said...

Push ur tooth into ur gum then twist that should eventually fall out

Unknown said...

once u was in my bad checking my teeth and then one my teeth idk that was lose just pop right out when i was laying down how wired

KitKatKandy89 said...

I once was chewing a fruit roll up and I went to bite and I felt something hard. I took it out, BOOM! Right there was my tooth

Anonymous said...

that is really weird.

Unknown said...

My mom pulled out my loose tooth when I was asleep

Unknown said...

Push with your finger as hard as you can? Or my personal favorite; pretend it doesn't exist and move on lol

Unknown said...

If you scared to pull it you should play with it will yo tough

Unknown said...

My bottom tooth is loose soooo yeahh buh bye sister!

Unknown said...
