Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Go Mama Guidebook site launch

It's official.

After hemming and hawing, growing some thicker skin and a wider perspective, combined with several requests to link my Guidebook to other complimentary websites, I've decided to "go bigger with it" and announce it's existence to a wider audience.

Spurred into action today by Sandra Tsing Loh's generous offer to write me up in her LA Times "Ask a Magnet Yenta" column as a speaker and voice of reason among the soon-to-be-choosing-a-Kindergarten preschool parent set,


sensing the growing potential audience I might find if I actually
had a URL to send people to, I dutifully spent the morning launching a quickie blog/url page specifically for learning about my public school work and for ordering my book. (I know it's just a start but it's amazing what a deadline will do.)

The LA Times piece (and link) will be published tomorrow, but you heard it here first.


the launch of Go Mama Guide's "Westside Guide to Public Elementary Schools..." and hopefully the jumpstart of something bigger.

Go Mama Guide


riversgrace said...

Congratulations! Going bigger suits your spirit...and I forsee a path opening to something unexpected and wonderful.

Jerri said...

Congratulations. And blessings for the journey this path will surely lead to.

The LA Times. I'm impressed.