Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Nice to know that this holiday season we've already received a special gift that's been so popular, it's gone around the whole household. No need to wrap it, stuff it, or make a card. You know when you get it.

Like a great game of tag-you're-it, it spreads it's presence to anyone who'll come close. First my daughter had it, then my husband, and now I have it. Perfect timing too, the week leading up to Xmas. Not like there's anything to do around here but play nurse-maid to sick people. Or lose entire days of precious time in a cold sweat or draped around the bathroom floor.


Hopefully we'll all be well enough for saltine pie on Christmas day, because lord knows there won't be a roast. And we can skip the eggnog. Gatorade cocktails anyone?

On the upside, we aren't traveling the ice-storms this year AND we've already met our New Year's weight-loss resolution. The cleanse just came a little bit early this year. With any luck, we'll all be well by Christmas morning, fingers crossed.

Happy Holidays and be well! You can never underestimate the gift of health.

And by all means, don't get the gift we got!


riversgrace said...

Oh, honey. So sorry. I guess it's one way to slow down. Bad thought, I know. Happy full moon. And holidays.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Ick. Nothing says merry Christmas like a cold sweat on a bathroom floor!

Hope by now you are FULLY well, all of you!


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