Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Feeling Into It

Eyes closed, heart open, hands extended outward, reaching, feeling into it, into the void, the cusp of possibility, edges blurry, momentary glimpses, rising then dissolving back into the mist, as I feel my way forward.

Nothing is certain yet something is certainly imminent, as certain as that jackhammer next door rattles and stops, rattles and stops.

Renovation's begun.

What's next is yet to come, but I am feeling an abundance of potential...

...as it draws near.


Carrie Wilson Link said...


Jerri said...

"abundance of potential"

You've always had that, T. You've realized much of that potential and have much yet to find.

Deb Shucka said...

This is absolutely beautiful. Goosebumpy so.

Thanks for visiting my blog. We have many friends in common (like the two commenters above); I'm a bit surprised we haven't met sooner.