Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just grinding away on that deadline. This won't be a "cut and paste" of the last one either. I'm taking it further, as well I should. As well I expect of myself. In such limited time.

One more week to go....



I suppose if it weren't for a (self-imposed) deadline, nothing would ever get done!

Sending you all happy wishes....

Now, back to the salt mines....


Carrie Wilson Link said...

Happy grinding!

Sending all good wishes and love.

Jerri said...

Grind away. Looking forward to hearing more from you on the other side.

kario said...

Wow - your dedication is awesome! My self-imposed deadlines always get sidelined by something else. You go, girl!

Go Mama said...

Yeah, well, dedication is one thing, but in this case my self-imposed deadline is inspired by book sales.

Deb Shucka said...

Happy writing! Let us know how it goes.