Nearing the home stretch, the end is, finally, in sight!
In the next 4 days I have 3 seminars, a private one-on-one, and just 2 days to get that final draft to the printer. Oh, and design a quick cover for it too....and finish those final 3 chapters...and do the layout, font sizes, spacing...and the TOC with its corresponding page numbers.
On Thursday, after I sleep indefinitely, I am heading to the spa where I will commence to steam, soak, bubble, slough, and shower away all evidence of the toll the previous efforts have taken on me. I'm bookin' that baby!
Then, I don't need to tell you, it will be "cocktail:30!" (clink.)
The only question I'll have to answer at that point is, what kind?
Hmmmm, such choices....such possibilities...
Good thing they don't do lotteries for your cocktail choices!
(Hey, now that I think about it, that is a genius marketing concept for one of my public school seminars.)
Just can't turn it off, can you? The marketing genius, I mean.
When Cocktail:30 arrives, clink an extra one and know I'm toasting you from afar.
Don't worry about the cocktail choice. If the first one doesn't seem just right, just choose another one ;-)
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